tenfold V24:
The Future of IAM

PKE Logo


With this plugin, PKE's SMS (Security Management System) can be connected to tenfold, allowing you to control the physical access of employees.

What Does the PKE SMS Plugin Do?

The PKE SMS Plugin enables you to assign key cards to employees and activate different areas of access for each card. Key cards and access areas can also be integrated into tenfold profiles, allowing you to grant or revoke physical access automatically on the basis of user departments, locations or other attributes.

The plugin uses the latest features for GUI integration of tenfold plugins: once the plugin is installed, a self-service tile appears in the menu through which you can manage key cards and areas of access. Data exchange with PKEโ€™s SMS is file-based.

required license
Enterprise Edition

System Requirements:

  • Must have relevant directories on file server for data exchange


  • Assign key cards to people

  • Remove key cards

  • Assign areas of access to key cards

  • Remove areas of access

  • Overview of all active and available key cards

Workflows for Personal Data
  • Workflow for issuing and returning replacement cards (with optional temporary locking of main card)

  • Manage visitor cards

  • Key cards and areas of access can be integrated in tenfold profiles

  • Synchronization with PKE system

tenfold in a Nutshell

Complete Visibility

Gain full insight into access rights โ€“ from individual files to system-level oversight.

Centralized Governance

Govern access in Active Directory, Microsoft 365 and beyond through a single platform.

Fast Implementation

Achieve complete integration faster with our no-code platform and off-the-shelf plugins.