tenfold V24:
The Future of IAM

HCL Notes Icon

HCL Notes®

Easily manage IT users and mailboxes in HCL Notes® and Domino® (formerly IBM Notes or Lotus Notes) with tenfold.

What Does the HCL Notes® Plugin Do?

The collaboration platform HCL Notes®/HCL Domino is widely used by companies for internal coordination and communication. With tenfold, you can centralize and automate the assignment and management of users, groups and mailboxes in HCL Notes.

The integration of HCL Notes into tenfold’s user lifecycle management allows the automatic assignment of accounts and mailboxes when new users are provisioned. tenfold also ensures that access rights are modified or removed accordingly when the status of a user changes. For individual access requests, data owners must either approve or reject these requests as part of access reviews.

tenfold delivers detailed reports listing group memberships in HCL Notes together with other IT assets. This documentation also includes historical data so admins can see right away who has or had access to what resource at any time, past or present.

required license
Enterprise Edition

System Requirements:

  • HCL Notes®/Domino version 9 or later

  • Communication via DIIOP

  • tenfold 2019 R3


User Management
  • Create users

  • Lock and unlock users

  • Add users to groups

  • Remove users from groups

Mailbox and Roaming
  • Optionally activate a mailbox or roaming

Lock Resources
  • Depending on the configuration, the attribute “Lockout ID” is set and/or the user is added to a “Deny Access Group”

tenfold in a Nutshell

Complete Visibility

Gain full insight into access rights – from individual files to system-level oversight.

Centralized Governance

Govern access in Active Directory, Microsoft 365 and beyond through a single platform.

Fast Implementation

Achieve complete integration faster with our no-code platform and off-the-shelf plugins.