tenfold V24:
The Future of IAM

OneDrive Logo

Microsoft OneDrive®

Track and manage access to shared files through one central platform.

What Does the OneDrive Plugin Do?

One of Microsoft 365’s key features is the cloud storage service OneDrive. Not only does it allow users to access their own files from anywhere, it also lets them share those files with co-workers and external users.

As OneDrive is perfectly integrated with tenfold, you can easily track which content users have shared and with whom. With additional interfaces for Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Online, tenfold serves as the ideal central platform for controlling and managing shared content in Microsoft 365.

Keep Track of Shared Data

tenfold assembles an overview of all shared data, which admins can browse and filter by internally vs. externally shared files, or by files shared via Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive.

required license
Essentials 365 Edition

System Requirements:

  • To run the OneDrive plugin, you must have the Essentials 365 Edition of tenfold


Shared Data
  • Central overview of shared files.

  • Central management of all M365 services.

  • Control of shared files.

tenfold in a Nutshell

Complete Visibility

Gain full insight into access rights – from individual files to system-level oversight.

Centralized Governance

Govern access in Active Directory, Microsoft 365 and beyond through a single platform.

Fast Implementation

Achieve complete integration faster with our no-code platform and off-the-shelf plugins.